Make an
impact today

Support our mission by contributing a donation. Your donation helps us to provide free yoga, coaching and wellness services for underserved populations.

Why give?

  • Pro bono

    We offer pro bono wellness support to our community members that are in active treatment for cancer.

  • Free Yoga Classes

    We offer free group yoga classes for local senior centers.

  • Reach Out to Us

    If you need supportive assistance or know someone who does but cannot afford the please email us at

Make a donation.

We believe yoga can change a life but not everyone has access to this transformative practice. Your donations helps us to offer yoga to communities with limited access to this practice. Our goal is to make yoga and wellness coaching available to individuals facing illness and hardship. Lack of funds, systemic inequities and racial barriers prevent many people from ever stepping foot in a yoga class. And oftentimes, they are just those that need it most.

With your help, we can continue to foster sustainable programs and projects that bring together local communities for a cohesive approach to long-term impact.

We thank you for your contribution in helping us continue to foster an expansive, accessible, and equitable yoga community.